Source: Diabetologia
Headlines: Closed loop insulin sistems need external help befor exercise. Is personalized retinopathy screening better? Severe hypoglycemia not causally related to death.
Announced exercise and bolus reduction improve time in hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes with closed-loop insulin systems. Yes, it seems obvious, but closed-loops are not so precise as beta cells. Tagougui from Montreal showed that it's better to warn the machine in case you go to run or something and, besides, reduce 1/3 the previous bolus, if you want to reduce time spent on hypoglycemia.
Molecular insights in diabetic retinopathy. Akimba mouse is a model for diabetic retinopathy. Inge Van Hove had a closer look at the molecular level using transcriptome analysis of these retinas, detecting early and detailed inflammatory and matabolic changes that could, in the future, guide future research. In case you're interested, RNA-seq data are available in
Retinopathy screening strategy. Is it better to screen annually, follow current guidelines or use a previously developed personalized strategy? Emamipour from the Nederlands studied this from the Hoorn Diabetes Care System cohort (almost 14.000 patients with type 2 diabetes), and found that personalized follow-up is cheaper than annual screening, but delayed detection if 11% of sight-threatening DR. Still, it was better than curren Dutch guidelines.
Krebs Cycle metabolite improve diabetic vascular damage. Specifically dimethyl-2-oxoglutarate, it could improve redox state and mitochondrial function in muscle cells from diabetic patients. The problem is that it was given to cell cultures, there are not pills of it go give to patients. Patience...
Severe hypoglycemia as marker of worse prognosis, but not causally related to death in diabetes, study suggests. Zaccardi from Leicester studied patients with diabetes admited for severe hypoglycemia. They were older, pluripathologic and, therefore, their death risk was much higher (5y age-adjusted mortality 21% vs 14%), but most death were no-CV no-cancer, and data study suggested severe hypoglycemia was a mere non-causally related marker.

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